Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Book That Is Changing Outlooks On Orgasms

Orgasm is one of the most amazing physical feelings in the universe.  What if it was also a gateway or portal to something more?  What if through your orgasm you could reach into other dimensions or retrieve information from past or other lives you are living?   

When you use your passionate lovemaking to pierce the veil between your world and the unknown some pretty amazing things can happen.  This Sexy Challenge helps you open up to the possibility that your orgasm is a vessel for you to travel to and from a more spiritual place.  It can allow you to reach out and touch that which is untouchable for most. 

What are you waiting for?  This challenge could open you up to the joys of the Universe and it all flows through the power of your orgasmic bliss.  

Make sure to check out all the other amazing Sexy Challenges for the Amazon Kindle. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Work Out Stay In Love

If you haven't yet gotten a joint gym membership with your significant other, you could be missing out on some crucial bonding time that can strengthen your relationship. While working out as a couple may not be ideal for every union, this type of physical experience can strengthen a connection and give couples more time to spend with one another.
If you're wondering why you should consider your mate as a workout partner, here are several benefits to working out as a couple:
•Reignite that old spark. If you feel like your relationship has become dull and drab, you can reignite the old spark and passion that you once felt by breaking a sweat together. For many couples, starting a friendly competition to see who can run the farthest or do the most consecutive sit-ups could be just what you need to jumpstart your love life again. Of course, if your partner is the competitive type, proceed with caution; there's no reason to get into a silly spat while exercising.
•Share common interests. If you and your spouse feel like two ships passing in the night, then carving out some time to hit the gym could provide another activity that you both can enjoy together. Or, if you're a couple that feels like you have little in common - opposites attract! - starting a workout routine can help to create common ground.
•Get motivated. If you'd rather hit snooze on your alarm than jog around the block in the morning, your partner could be the perfect person to encourage you to stick to a regular workout schedule. If you both decided to workout to get your health on track, you can work together to hold each other accountable, even when one person feels like throwing in the towel.
•Share accomplishments. If you're working toward a larger workout goal to lose weight or train for a marathon, you and your significant other can share the success together. When you achieve small milestones one after one, you can both cheer each other on and revel in your shared accomplishments when you pass the finish line.
•You can sync your schedules. Even if you're not at the same fitness level or don't have similar exercise interests, you can still exercise in the gym at the same time as your sweetie. This is a great way to line up your schedules and connect after a busy day of work. Or, you can start the morning off right by working out together, even if you're in a yoga class and he's on the treadmill.
If you're looking for a unique way to exercise with your partner, consider signing up for a class or group sports, like a soccer team. If you feel intimidated by working out with your significant other, consider the fact that learning a new skill together can help to promote a healthy sense of teamwork. This will also help to strengthen the health of your relationship as an added bonus. Win-win!
Darcey Deeds is a freelance writer out of Austin, Texas. She currently has teamed up with Avila Soccer which is the leader in Soccer Camps Austin for both kids and adults.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wheel Of Fortune Boo Boos

Maybe Indiana University should have a class on how to play Wheel Of Fortune. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lunch Money, Tests, & Relationship Issues

Remember these days?  Seemed like the world revolved around your problems even as simple as they seem now.  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mister Epic Man Delivers

Here is a super funny video to share with you on how animals eat their food.  Hope you find it as funny as I did.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Amazon Fans Will Love To Get Involved With Us Here.

We have had money battles for years.  Worrying about how we were going to have enough to pay the bills, and living paycheck to paycheck.  Well we have found something powerful!  Unlike most things that promise amazing results with little work, this process is based on how much work you put into it.  However the work is not hard, can you blog? or make a video?  Then you have the tools to start your process.

Watch the video and learn!