When we think about wine we usually think about romance and sitting drinking a wonderful glass with the person we love. But what about investing in wine? Have you ever thought about the commodity of wine and how similar it is to gold and silver? We all know that wine can improve with age, but did you know that with each bottle of fine wine open and drank the remaining bottles from that product have just increased in value? I am sure you have heard of bottles of wine that demand large amounts of currency so why not invest in wine. Now do think you can buy bottles at your local liquor store and keep them in your basement and become a millionaire. What you need is a company that helps you invest in wine, one that holds the bottles and handles all the purchases and sales. Below is a company that I have found does just this and I must say my interest is peaked why not check it out for yourself and see if it could be the right investment for you.

CW Investment is a bespoke wine investment purchase adviser, specialized in the fine wine of the Bordeaux region. We aim to offer you an insight into the world of fine wine and support your journey with our team of experts to maximize your return on investment and experience in this fascinating world.
We appreciate that selecting the right wines to invest is not an easy process. We therefore aim to leverage both our wine experience and our data analysis to identify the right investment tailored to your time-frame specifications and your investment size.
Based on your investment size, investment horizon and your risk profile, we will customize a package that we feel will most closely meet your requirements. In the circumstance, that you want to add certain particular wines to your portfolio, we will remain at your disposal to offer our views on how well they integrate within the rest of our proposed portfolio.
It is important to note that we offer advice on which wines to purchase based on your investment profile and that you will remain in full ownership and control of your portfolio at all times. You don’t invest in a fund but we advice you on which wines to acquire; this structure allows you to be independent of the financial performance of CW Investment.
We take pride in the relationships we have built within the wine industry and we will always stay true to our core mission of maximizing our client’s wealth and wine knowledge with constructive bespoke support.