Friday, May 22, 2015

Richer Together

Are you in a committed relationship? Then in a sense you are in business together - the business of life. Whether you actually work together or not you can learn a lot from the 23 inspiring entrepreneurial couples in this book. These phenomenal couples share their insight, wisdom, advice and inspiring stories. The secrets to working, living and loving side-by-side are at your fingertips. You can transform your relationship and become Richer Together. Inside you will discover powerful wisdom like this: "Hear your partner's idea even when it seems absolutely crazy." - Rhonda and Brian Swan "You can create your relationship one choice at a time...and you can always make a new choice." - Katie and Gay Hendricks "Set time each day to be 100% attentive." -Kendall SummerHawk and Richard Shapiro

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Heat Up Your Kindle For Pennies

Only $2.99

Sexy Challenges has lowered the price of it's digital book with 50 Sexy Challenges inside.  This is crazy!  Now you can get the first 50 Sexy Challenge for a dime each!  Time is Wasting use the Links below to get your copy!


Sex can be just sex. The mechanics of it can be planned out and the outcome you desire can be achieved as a purely physical act. It is possible that this can leave you feeling wonderful and physically connected with your partner. But, what if it could be so much more? What if the pleasure you feel now could be doubled, tripled or increased beyond belief? Would you want to experience that? 
Sexy Challenges can take you to a place where sensual love and sacred sex combine to form an experience that lifts you to new heights. Your experiences can move beyond just the physical. You might be surprised to learn that each orgasm you share with your beloved actually contains the vastness of the Universe. 
Inside this exciting book, you will discover fifty sexy challenges. These encompass a wide range of experiences. Through the fun, laughter, communication, romance and passion of these challenges the connection with your partner can become more powerful than you ever expected. You can touch the untouchable. The god or goddess within you can be revealed. 

Bored-in-the-Bedroom Married Couples - Sexy Challenges are for you! These sexy, fun, sacred and sensual scenarios will help you heat up your sex life while getting you to communicate again. If you follow Sexy Challenges' advice, you will reconnect with your sweetheart. 

Desire is vital in a romantic relationship. Some married couples increase their desire by sharing a passion for stories of erotica, adult games or toys. Sexy Challenges help you stimulate your own erotic play! Whether the two of you are rolling on the floor laughing or tangled up in the sheets you will be creating powerful, playful, passion.  

It's spiritual, playful, sexual counseling in a book.